Political Theory at Berkeley

Image credit:
Top (Left to Right): S. Wolin, M. Foucault, K. Marx, M. Gandhi, J. S. Mill & H. Taylor, J. Shklar, H. Arendt, A. Gramsci, F. Fanon; Bottom (Left to Right): T. Hobbes, W. E. B. Du Bois, R. Luxemburg, S. Hall, J. Rawls, Aristotle, H. Marcuse & A. Davis


This site primarily gives information about our graduate program of interest to current and potential future students, but we hope it’ll be of interest to undergraduates, colleagues, and the general public, too. 

As a group, we're committed to the highest levels of scholarship in researching and teaching political thought from antiquity to the present. We value all forms of inquiry into historical and contemporary political theory, political thought, and political philosophy, and prize both the deep dive into single authors or texts and the transhistorical arguments and long genealogies that those explorations can anchor—and everything in between. We aim to foster interest in political theory globally conceived, while acknowledging that we personally are most highly trained in the Western tradition of European and American thought.

Above all, we enjoy and care deeply about the processes of reflecting on politics and learning from others’ reflections on politics, be they long dead or very much alive; whether they’re members of traditions in some ways different from our own or of traditions that we and you are currently helping to shape.